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AlgaeFree Pool Drops Liquid Algaecide 1 L

AlgaeFree Pool Drops Liquid Algaecide 1 L


$74.99 $87.99 You save 15%
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Detailed Product Description

1 Liter Bottle of AlgaeFree Pool Drops - Good for 3-4 Months of Treatment!

Pool Drops Plus is an extra strength, long term liquid algicide compatible with salt water, ozone, UV and chlorine pools. Pool Drops eliminate all forms of algae delivering outstanding results in all environments. Pool Drops Plus has twice the active ingredient (60g/L compared to just 25-28g/L) of standard algaecides. The concentrated formulation is blended with special complexing agents to create a stable algicide formulation which is highly resistant to chlorine breakdown, UV light, high water temperatures and pH levels.


  • Blackspot, Mustard & Green Algae Killer
  • Eliminate Algae from Walls, Grouting & Steps
  • Reduce Chlorine Consumption
  • Handy Once a Season Dosing Liquid
  • Ideal for Salt, Chlorine, UV & Ozone Pools
  • Long Life Algicide for Summer & Winter
  • Makes Pool Water Sparkling Clear
  • Active Constituent: 60 g/L Copper

Once all the algae is eliminated from the pool, less chlorine is needed to maintain sanitiser levels as the chlorine is free to perform it's principal task of killing bacteria. Salt chlorinator and filter running times are reduced saving electricity. Yor water will stay sparkling clear eliminating algae when chlorine levels fall.

Directions for use:

Pool Drops Liquid Algaecide Plus prevents algae growth in water. When applied to contaminated pools Pool drops Liquid Algaecide Plus will kill algae gradually (over several days). An initial and subsequent application of Pool Drops Liquid Algaecide Plus is dependant on the water conditions, amount of algae present and the pool usage.

  • For best results, maintain pH levels between 7.2 and 7.6. Maintain the recommended Total Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, chlorine (or other disinfectant) and copper levels correctly balanced. Monitor these key water parameters using an adequate test kit.
  • Initial dosage for pool water having no visible algae is 160 ml of Pool Drops Liquid Algaecide Plus per 10,000 L of pool water (equivalent to 1 ppm of copper)
  • Weekly monitoring of copper levels is recommended. A maintenance dosage of 80 ml of Pool Drops Liquid Algaecide Plus per 10,000 L of pool water is to be added, as needed, to maintain 0.5 to 1 ppm of copper
  • Warranty Coverage: AlgaeFree Chemicals come with a 30 Day Limited Manufacturers Warranty.

    Start a Warranty Claim:To begin a claim please email with a photo showing the defect(s)/issue with your AlgaeFree Chemical and include a brief explanation of what occurred.

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AlgaeFree Pool Drops Liquid Algaecide 1 L $74.99

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