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What Accessibility Equipment is Right for Your Commercial Pool?

What Accessibility Equipment is Right for Your Commercial Pool

While the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that all commercial pools provide those with disabilities an accessible way to enter and exit the pool, the requirements around accessibility equipment in commercial pools varies by location in Canada, which means you’ll need to check local rules and regulations.

However, we recommend following the ADA requirements to ensure all your customers are included and can adequately access your pool. In other words, commercial pool operators should have an accessibility pool lift and make it available whenever the pool is in use. Not only might a member of the public need the lift, but those competing in pool competitions may also require it. What kinds of lifts are best, and which is the right choice for your business?

Portable or Fixed Pool Lifts?

There are two main kinds of pool lifts, the portable kind that can be moved around the edge of the pool, or the “anchored” kind that is installed in one spot on the edge of the pool and must remain there. Which kind is right for your business?

Fixed pool lifts can be less expensive than portable pool lifts. However, they are permanent fixtures at the side of your pool. This has disadvantages for you and for the user. First, the person with disabilities can only enter the pool at one location with these lifts. They may have to use the shallow end when they prefer the deep end, or vice versa. This may interrupt other swimmers or classes. Second, from the business owner’s perspective, fixed lifts can be eye sores and can interfere with other swimmer’s activities.

You can install multiple pool lifts to avoid most of these drawbacks. The pool lifts that Pool Supplies Canada offers all fold-up and remain out of the way and relatively inconspicuous. We offer the:

A portable pool lift has many advantages over fixed pool lifts. They can be moved both so that the user can enter or exit the pool wherever they wish, and so the pool owner can place them to the side when they are not in use. These pool lifts are usually a larger investment, but their flexibility may be worth it to you. Pool Supplies Canada offers:

Do You Need Multiple Pool Lifts?

Generally, the law only requires that a commercial pool owner invest in one accessibility lift. However, if your pool is frequented by many people who require the lift, it may be wise to invest in another. In fact, you can attract the business of many organizations for those with disabilities by offering more than one lift. Think of how long it may take for a summer camp for children with disabilities, for example, to get in and out of the pool with only one lift. They’d much rather attend a pool that has multiple lifts.

This Blog was Posted on January 23rd, 2019
Any Offers, Prices or Product Line Ups Mentioned on this Page are Subject to Change Without Notice

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