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Pool Supplies Canada's Chemical Cheat Sheet

The Pool Supplies Canada Chemical Cheat Sheet

Warm weather is just around the corner, and before you know it, you’ll be poolside on a hot Summer day! You’ll want to have icy drinks, awesome tunes, and your water chemistry sorted out for the opening weekend. We can’t make you that perfect daiquiri, but Pool Supplies Canada does offer a range of high-quality chemicals.

Whether you’re diving deep into pool maintenance for the first time or looking for a quick refresher, let’s explore each of the Pool Supplies Canada chemicals.

King Size Stabilized Chlorine Pucks

Chlorine Pucks

Chlorine ensures safety for swimmers, and is one of the most often used chemicals for sanitizing pool water. Chlorine eliminates contaminants through oxidation. Keeping chlorine levels at 3ppm should prevent bacteria, viruses, and even algae from living in your pool.

Pucks make adding chlorine to your pool easy - test your water weekly, and add pucks as needed. Simply put them in your skimmer basket so the chlorine will be dispersed evenly. For stress-free chlorination, consider purchasing an automatic chlorinator.

Available in 6 kg pails.

Oxidizer (Non-Chlorine Shock)

Oxidizer Shock

Non-chlorine shock is a fantastic option for swimmers who want to shock their pool and get back in the water quickly. In just 15 minutes, the pool will be safe to enter. Chlorinated shock is the most popular option for shocking pools, but far from your only choice.

Initial dosage: 225 g per 10,000L of water

Weekly maintenance: 110 g per 10,000 L of water

Available in 1 kg canisters.

Super Algae 40 Algaecide


Controlling algae is vital to pool health and swimmer safety. Our Super Algae 40 algaecide is a 40% concentrated, non-foaming product. We recommend using it as a preventative measure weekly, or as needed to control algae growth in a green pool.

Initial dosage: 100 mL per 10,000 litres

Weekly maintenance: 30mL per 10,000 litres of water

Available in 1 L bottles and 3.6 L jugs.

Stain and Scale Control

Stain and Scale

Love your pool equipment for longer with Stain and Scale Control by Pool Supplies Canada. Using Stain and Scale Control reduces the negative impact of metals, prevents scale formation and short filter runs. Regular use helps protect pool equipment, heaters, pipes and fittings from scale formation, clogging or corrosion.

When added, you may notice a brownish colour in your water. This may be due to copper or iron in the water as Stain and Scale products will solubilize these materials.

For normal hardness and material content:

Initial dosage: 120 mL per 10,000 L

Weekly maintenance: 30 mL per 10,000 L

For extremely hard water (over 200ppm), high iron, copper or manganese (over 0.1ppm):

Initial dosage: 240 mL per 10,000 L of water

Weekly maintenance: 30 mL per 10,000 L

Available in 1 L bottles.



Soak up the sun without worrying about your chlorine! Pool Supplies Canada Stabilizer will protect your water disinfectant from UV rays, saving you time and money. The less you need to spend on chlorine, the more you can focus on enjoying Summer with your friends and family.

If the pool is new, has just been refilled, or has no stabilizer, add 300g of Stabilizer per 10,000 L of water to establish a desired level of 20 to 30 ppm.

If there is less than 20 ppm of stabilizer, add Stabilizer until a level of 20 to 30 ppm is achieved. 75g of Stabilizer per 10,000 L of water will increase levels by approximately 8 ppm.

Always maintain a chlorine residual of 1.0 - 3.0 ppm, and a pH level between 7.2 - 7.8. Add Stabilizer slowly into skimmer or, if desired, pre-dissolve in a pail of warm water and then add directly to the skimmer. Be sure your filter is clean and recirculate water continuously for 12-24 hours after adding to dissolve completely.

Available in 1.75 kg and 7 kg pails.

pH Up

pH Up

Don't let pool water pH keep you down. Pool Supplies Canada pH Up will raise the pH level of your pool for a safe swim.

Add 100g of pH Up for every 10,000 L of pool water when your pH level drops below 7.2. Test your pool water every 2 while you adjust the chemistry. Repeat the dose and procedure until your pool's pH level is between 7.2 and 7.8.

Sprinkle on the surface of the water. The degree of acidity or alkalinity of the water is important. A high pH level over 7.8 will cause scaling and decrease the efficiency of chlorine. A low pH level under 7.2 causes corrosion of the metal content in pool water and of metal equipment in contact with pool water (in particular where more than one metal is present), as well as increasing the possibility of irritation to the nose, throat, and eyes of bathers.

The pH level is especially important when pool water is recirculated through a heater, in order to prolong the life of the heat exchanger. The ideal pH level is between 7.2 and 7.8 and pH should always be tested and adjusted before adding chlorine to the pool water.

Available in 2 kg and 8 kg pails.

pH Down

pH Down

Don't let your pool's pH level keep you up at night. Pool Supplies Canada's pH Down will balance your water chemistry so you can swim easy.

Simply add 100g of PH Down for every 10,000 L of pool water when your Ph level rises above 7.8. Test the pool water every 2 hours while you adjust the chemistry. Repeat the dose and procedure until the pH level is between 7.2 and 7.8.

Sprinkle on the surface of the water. After super chlorination of pool water, the chlorine count is high, so dissolve pH Down in water first. The degree of acidity or alkalinity of the water is important. A high pH level over 7.8 will cause scaling and decrease the efficiency of chlorine. A low pH level under 7.2 causes corrosion of the metal content in pool water and of metal equipment in contact with pool water (in particular where more than one metal is present), as well as increasing the possibility of irritation to the nose, throat, and eyes of bathers.

The pH level is especially important when pool water is recirculated through a heater, in order to prolong the life of the heat exchanger. The ideal pH level is between 7.2 and 7.8 and pH should always be adjusted before adding chlorine to the pool water.

Available in 3 kg and 8 kg pails.


Alkajuster Buffer

Don't waste time fussing with your Alkalinity levels. Use Pool Supplies Canada's Quick Dissolving Alkajuster to raise the total alkalinity levels of your pool water.

Alkajuster is maintains the chemical balance of your pool by acting as a buffer product that raises the overall alkalinity. Proper alkalinity will stop your pool's pH level from bouncing and reduce your chlorine consumption. Maintain a total alkalinity level between 100 - 120 to save your time, money, and equipment.

Each pool needs a lot of Alkajuster, so always follow the instructions on the label.

Available in 8 kg pails.



Fast acting and effective - Pool Supplies Canada Multi-Shock will take care of all your pool water needs! Our Multi-Shock will control algae and kill bacteria without the hassle of affecting your pH levels. Use the whole granular package at once to improve your pool.

Additional Benefits of Multi-Shock include:

  • Oxidizes organic components
  • Contains 35% available chlorine

Multi-Shock is so much more than just a pool shock. Each package works as a Clarifier, Buffer, Stabilizer, Stain   Scale Inhibitor, and Softener.

All you need to do is add the recommended dosages of this product during evening hours while the filter pump is running (one pouch treats up to 45,000 litres of water). Make sure to add it evenly across the deep end.

Then, test free available chlorine residual with a pool test kit. Do not reenter the pool until the available chlorine residual is between 1 ppm to 3 ppm.

Available in 450 g bags.

Calcium Plus

Calcium Plus

Protect your pool by keeping calcium hardness at the recommended level. Weekly calcium hardness testing with our calcium pucks may be exactly what you need to have balanced pool water.

The desired range for total hardness is 225 to 300 ppm for plaster pools and 175 to 250 ppm for fiberglass, vinyl or painted pools.

If total hardness is less than this desired range, add 112 g of Calcium Plus per 10,000 L to raise the total hardness by 10 ppm.

Available in 7 kg pails.

Super Clarifier

Super Clarifier

Consider oily sunscreen residues a thing of the past! Pool Supplies Canada Super Clarifier sticks onto pesky particles that make your pool scummy and slimy. The clarifier sticks to dirty particles are taken straight to your pool filter, so you don't need to manually scrub every little surface.

This all-natural, non-toxic clarifier will make your pool gleam.

Available in 1 L bottles.

Sparkle Pool Gel

Sparkle Pool Gel

If you're hosting the premier summer pool party, snapping some pics for your socials, or just want your water to shine, consider using our Sparkle Pool Gel. This gel will give your pool an extra beautifying boost. Your pictures will dazzle in photos, and your guests will love the water!

Available in a pack of four 70 gram pods.

Premium Chemical Kit (100,000 L)

Premium Pool Chemical Kits

Consider pool season sorted with the Premium Chemical Kit. This kit includes 3 of Pool Supplies Canada's most popular chemicals in a convenient bundle.

The kit includes:

  • 1 Kg of chlorine-free oxidizing shock to rid the water of organic matter
  • 1 L of concentrated, non-foaming algaecide to kill existing algae spores and prevent new algae from forming
  • 1 L of stain and scale preventer (a sequestering agent) to protect your pool surface and equipment from staining and scaling

Available here.

Finding Balance

The Pool Supplies Canada online store features our in-house range, plus hundreds of chemicals from other suppliers. Our knowledgeable online support staff are happy to help you choose the right chemical for your pool. So go ahead, plan that big pool party! With chemicals from Pool Supplies Canada, your pool water will be dazzling.

This Blog was Posted on March 29th, 2022
Any Offers, Prices or Product Line Ups Mentioned on this Page are Subject to Change Without Notice

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