Chauffe-Eau Électriques pour Spas, Piscines Hors Terre et Petites Piscines Creusées. Disponible avec Thermostats Numériques ou Mécaniques pour les Applications au Chlore ou au Sel. Le Chauffe Eau K-Star offre le confort et la chaleur lorsque vous en avez besoin. La baignade est toujours plus agréable lorsque la température de l'eau est parfaite. Votre famille entière aura plus de plaisir et utilisera beaucoup plus souvent votre piscine ou spa avec un chauffe eau K-Star. Que vous voulez prolonger votre saison de baignade plus tôt le printemps et plus tard à l'automne, ou que vous voulez des températures plus confortables en tout temps, ou peut-être que vous voulez avoir votre spa prête même par temps d'hiver glacial, un chauffe eau électriques K-Star peut le faire pour vous.
Recommandés pour une utilisation avec les piscines de tailles 12' rondes, 15' rondes et 12' X 18' ovale. Pour piscines en aluminium et / ou en résine / acier seulement, ne pas utiliser avec les piscines (Intex) à parois mous.
Noter: Cet appareil doit être câblé et desservies par un électricien agréé. Reportez-vous au manuel du propriétaire pour les paramètres d'installations appropriées et les critères de garantie.
Garantie: 1 An par le Manufacturier
We bought one of these late last summer and got it installed without too much effort, though you need to account for the wiring, and breakers as well as the extra hose and connectors. These pieces would be required for any heater, so that is not specific to this unit. The first time we ran it it seemed to be fine, then after about 6 hours or so, my wife said that she heard water splashing by the pool. I raced out to find water splashing out of the control box. The heater element had not been threaded into the body deeply enough and had come out, causing the water to pour out. Fortunately my wiring had been done correctly and the GFCI worked, killing the power. I contacted the company and they contacted the manufacturer on my behalf. Very quickly they ascertained that it was a manufacturing problem and they sent me a new one right away and arranged for me to ship back the faulty one at no cost. The customer service was excellent! The trick with this unit is to control the flow so that the heater can effectively heat the water. I had plumbed the unit as shown in the manual, but this time I added another On/Off valve right after the filter. My pump has a slow and fast speed, and even the slow speed is too fast. The trick is to allow just enough water to flow in, provide a bit of back pressure to keep the pressure switch from shutting things off. I think I have that dialed in just right now and have marked my valve positions to make it easy to set them back after I run a filter/chlorinator cycle. One other thing to note is that the temperature shown on the heater is NOT the temperature in the pool. It is the temperature in the heater barrel. I run the heater in Spa mode to allow me to set the water temperature higher. If you don't set the heater high, then it would not provide anywhere near enough heated water to affect the pool, especially due to the low flow speed. Over all, I took away one star as it is a bit finnicky to get the flow and settings just right to properly heat the pool, however, our pool was 82 today and we have not had a lot of sun or hot weather.
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